Technical Support Team
Not only does Composites One provide the most extensive product line available anywhere, we also offer the technical assistance to educate customers on the proper use of these products in their shop.
Leading the Closed Mold Alliance, Composites One is dedicated to providing manufacturers with the resources and training to help them successfully convert to closed molding. Equipped with technical expertise and background, our technical support managers are ready to assist customers on proper techniques and best practices.
Our Closed Mold workshops give customers an overview of closed mold processes and how to effectively use these techniques. We provide these educational workshops throughout the year in different areas of the country in order to give customers across the nation the opportunity to participate in these hands-on courses.
On top of this, our technical support managers are available to provide customers with onsite assistance if needed. We can also provide mini closed mold audits, designed to identify closed mold best practices and opportunities for conversion. Working with our technical support managers is just another value-added benefit provided by Composites One.