Advanced Reinforcements
Explaining Thermoplastic Reinforcements
Composites One supplies thermoplastic reinforcements and resins to help customers make the most of their composites manufacturing processes. This article focuses on thermoplastic reinforcements. When a reinforcement fiber is added to a thermoplastic polymer resin, the result is a stronger, tougher reinforced thermoplastic that can perform in more demanding and complex applications and can also Read More…
Reinforced Thermoplastics Braided for Performance
Thermoplastic resins that are reinforced with fiber enhance the use of the thermoplastics for more rigorous applications and environments. One form of reinforced thermoplastics that is growing in popularity is braided thermoplastics. Braiding refers to fabrics that are continuously woven, using three or more yarns that are intertwined, with no two yarns being twisted around Read More…
Understanding Thermoset and Thermoplastics
We all react to heat differently, which is a simple description of the distinction between thermoset and thermoplastics—they behave differently when heat is applied to it. The chemical properties of thermoset become permanently strengthened when exposed to heat. Once thermoset plastics are altered by exposure to heat, they cannot be remolded. Thermoplastics, on the other Read More…
What’s So Great About Thermoplastics in Aerospace?
There’s plenty of space for exploration when it comes to thermoplastic applications in the aerospace industry. Thermoset technologies have been traditionally used for composites in aerospace, and now the industry is taking note of the benefits that its counterpart thermoplastics may provide in a wider range of applications. For many of the same reasons that Read More…
Why helmet manufacturers need to be using carbon fiber
A long time ago, someone had the great idea of putting a round piece of metal on their head to protect their skull from harm. The helmet, as we know it, has come a long way since its inception. What was once a heavy and cumbersome, but necessary, piece of protective equipment, is now lighter Read More…
Safely extracting oil and gas with composites
Much of society is able to function because of the use of natural oil and gas. These are limited resources though, so many industries are seeking alternatives for producing energy. There is also the question of ethically sourcing oil and gas without harming the environment. However, until the day comes that we no longer need Read More…
Carbon Fiber: Taking Consumer Goods to the Next Level
With new applications developing nearly every day, carbon fiber is allowing for advancements in the production of consumer goods. Carbon fiber offers manufacturers the opportunity to increase overall strength and reduce weight in areas they need it the most. In today’s consumer goods market, consumers can expect to find carbon fiber in products such as Read More…
Carbon Fiber in Everyday Applications
Today, carbon fiber is being used in such a diverse range of applications. Research has shown that carbon fiber provides a superior increase in tensile strength, a dramatic reduction in weight, and an overall increase in durability. As the market continues to demand higher quality, efficient product offerings, carbon fiber is likely to be adopted Read More…